
Happy Wednesday!! Only 2 more days until the weekend! Time sure flies when you're constantly counting down to the weekend haha. I've become very busy recently with making plans during the week because I always feel so rushed on the weekend. As much as I like relaxing on week nights its also nice to get more done during the week.

As of Sunday I've stopped calorie counting. I have a good grasp on what is what and what I should be eating and it's obviously not working for me because I still don't have the defined tummy that I want. I did some consulting with my very informational cousin who has her degree in nutrition and I'm still eating too many carbs. I keep forgetting that bananas and apples are carbs! I'm going to finish the ones I have and start buying more frozen berries. Costco has awesome bags of frozen berries so I'll be making a trip there soon hopefully.

I haven't been able to fit in Insanity this week and yesterday I took a rest day. Tonight I think I'll do a Vivace and a Turbo Fire.

I also have to say that I'm loving these smoothies I've been bringing for my morning snack instead of the banana and almond butter I was previously eating. Check out my Facebook page for the recipe :) It's quite delicious.

Have a great day and I hope you're smiling =D


  1. In banana is what i call empty calories, you eat it and you are hungry soon again. I rather have something that keeps me full longer and i'm not starving 10 min after i've had my banana. 150gram banana is 126 calories and 28grams of carbs. 300g wok- veggies has 90 calories and 14 g of carbs.
    I try to make my foods big, cause i don't want to be hungry all the time :D

  2. What are you going to do with the frozen berries, just Smoothies?

    1. I like blending them into my smoothies or mixing them with plain Greek yogurt. They have less sugar than bananas and frozen fruit. When you mix it with the Greek yogurt it's almost like ice cream :)

  3. Do you have any thoughts on Cansein protein?

    1. I don't know much about protein powders.. I've had my canister for almost a year lol. I used to mix it into my oatmeal and now I just use it for my protein bars. You should ask my cousin in our fit group since she is the one that took nutrition in University haha.

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