Here is the link for the 30 Day challenge by Melissa Bender. I'm on day #13 and I love her workouts so far. They're a nice change up from Bodyrock and there are new moves and I notice a huge difference in my core already. Click on the Day # to link to Melissa's blog to watch the video.
I wasn't going to post my results but decided I'd like to keep track on here too.
Day #1
Max reps during each 50 second interval, 10 seconds of rest between exercises.
1. High Knees - 146
2. Spiderman Push-ups - 10
3. Russians - 40 (10 lb hand weight)
4. Warrior Deadlift (right) - 9 (25 lb sandbag)
5. Warrior Deadlift (left) - 10 (25 lb sandbag)
6. Mountain Climbers - 100
7. Temple Tap Abs - 24
8. Frog Hopper - 10
9. Curtsy Lunge Kick (right) - 13
10. Curtsy Lunge Kick (left) - 14
11. Burpee - 8
12. Heel Tap Plank - 12
13. Plank Pop-Up - 8
14. Plie Squat - 20
15. High Knees - 146
Advanced: 20 Reps, 60 seconds *I did this one, twice through and it took me 26:20
Repeat 1-3X
1. Plank Pull (10 lb hand weight)
2. High Knees or Jump Rope (timed)
3. Crossed Table Right
4. Crossed Table Left
5. Sideways Jump (timed)
6. Standing Heel Press Right
7. Standing Heel Press Left
8. Forward/Backward Jump
9. Boat Pulse
10. High Knees or Jump Rope (timed)
Beginner: 10 reps, 5 Burpees
Intermediate: 15 reps, 8 Burpees
Advanced: 20 reps, 10 Burpees
1. Push-up Jacks - 13, 12
2. Jump Squat - 25, 25
3. High Knees - 134, 124
4. Plank Tap (right) - 20, 16
5. Plank Tap (left) - 21, 17
6. High Knees - 106, 112
7. Hip Thrust (right) - 17, 14
8. Hip Thrust (left) - 16, 16
9. High Knees - 138, 122
10. Lunge Jump - 28, 28
11. Burpee - 8, 7
12. High Knees - 124, 128
13. Super Taps - 62, 74
14. Leg Circles - 10, 10
15. High Knees - 130, 128
Repeat 1-3X
1. Overhead Squat - 19
2. Lunge Jump - 24
3. Hip Thrust (right) - 17
4. Hip Thrust (left) - 17
5. Plie Jump - 25
6. Down Dog Push-up - 11
7. Dips - 9
8. Leaning Plank - 5
9. Plank Press - 9
10. Bridge - 1
11. Frogger - 13
12. Heel Tap Abs - 12
13. Hip Lift/V-Up - 9
14. Elbow Tap Side Plank (right) - 11
15. Elbow Tap Side Plank (left) - 13
1. Forearm Plank
-Jump Rope
2. Right Side Plank
-Jump Rope
3. Left Side Plank
-Jump Rope
4. Chatarunga Plank
-Jump Rope
5. Rotating Plank (on the forearm)
-Jump Rope
6. Knee Drop Plank
-Jump Rope
7. Plank Jack
-Jump Rope
8. Elbow Tap Plank (right)
-Jump Rope
9. Elbow Tap Plank (left)
-Jump Rope
10. Leg Lift Plank
-Jump Rope
11. Plank Crunch
-Jump Rope
12. Side Plank Hip Lift (right)
-Jump Rope
13. Walk the Plank
-Jump Rope
14. Side Plank Hip Lift (left)
-Jump Rope
15. Plank Step
-Jump Rope
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps *I did one round and a T25
Repeat 1-3X
1. Squat Rotation - 14 *10 lbs hand weight
2. Sumo Squat Kick - 14 *25 lbs sandbag
3. Weighted Bridge - 11 *10 lbs hand weight
4. Ninja Tuck Jump - 7
5. Chair Pose Side Kick - 17
6. Plank Jack Frogger - 17
7. Twisting V-Up - 18
8. Mountain Climber -86
9. Tick Tock Abs - 8
10. Plank Leg Lift - 15
Advanced: 20 reps (60 seconds) *took me 23:09
1. Burpee -
2. Side Plank Drop with Leg Lift (right)
3. Side Plank Drop with Leg Lift (left)
4. Bicycle (timed)
5. Walking Pushups
6. Table Kick (right)
7. Table Kick (left)
8. Jump Squat
9. Down Dog Step (right)
10. Down Dog Step (left)
11. High Knees (timed)
12. Lunge Kick (right)
13. Lunge Kick (left)
14. 3 Part Abs
15. Knee Plank
*Intermediate: 40 second interval, 10 seconds rest
*Advanced: 50 second interval, 10 seconds rest
1. High Knees - 136, 140
2. Flying Pigeon (right) - 12, 12
3. Mountain Climber - 92, 80
4. Flying Pigeon (left) - 9, 13
5. Russians - 39, 34 *left to right = 1
6. Frog Hop Squat - 11, 13
7. High Knees - 128, 130
8. Down Dog Lift - 13, 14
9. Mountain Climber - 76, 78
10. Squat Planks - 9, 9
11. Russians - 72, 60
12. Reverse Crunch Rotation - 15, 19
13. High Knees - 124, 126
14. Knee Drop Plank - 18, 19
15. Mountain Climber - 80, 72
1. Curtsy Lunge Hop - 11, 11
cardio: high knees
2. Mountain Climber Hop - 7, 8
cardio: burpee
3. Angel Abs - 21, 19
cardio: high knees
4. Sumo Pushups - 10, 10
cardio: Jumping Jacks
5. Leg Series (right) - 17, 15
cardio: high knees
6. Leg Series (left) - 18, 18
cardio: burpee
7. Temple Tap Abs - 27, 29
cardio: high knees
8. Frogger Crunch - 9, 8
cardio: Jumping Jacks
9. Chair Twist - 22, 23
cardio: burpee
10. Prone Heel Tap - 54, 59
cardio: burpee
1. High Knees - ?, 110
2. 3 Way Frogger - 7, 6
3. Lunge Jump - 36, 30
4. Burpee - 7, 7
5. Hip Lift - 20, 18
6. Bicycle - 27, 24 *L+R = 1
7. Side Plank Hip Lift (right) - 16, 16
8. Side Plank Hip Lift (left) - 20, 19
9. Jump Kick (right) - 24, 17
10. Jump Kick (left) - 19, 17
11. Surfer Burpee - 12, 12
12. Knee Drop Plank - 17, 20
13. Knee Slap Squat - 12, 11
14. Twisting Scissor - 17, 17
15. High Knees - 120, 120
Day #15
All Levels: Maximum number of reps during each 50 second interval, 10 seconds of rest between exercises.
1. High Knees - 130, 130
2. Frogger - 11, 10
3. Lunge Kick (right) - 19, 18
4. Lunge Kick (left) - 21, 18
5. Jumping Jacks - 46, 50
6. Jump Squat - 21, 21
7. Mountain Climbers -86, 90
8. Plie Jump - 20, 21
9. Plank Jack - 36, 32
10. Ninja Jump - 5, 6
11. Burpee - 8, 9
12. Low Jack - 20, 23
13. Side Step Up (right) - 17, 17
14. Side Step Up (left) - 19, 16
15. Twister - 13, 16
Day #16
All Levels: Maximum number of reps during each 50 second interval, 10 seconds of rest between exercises.
1. Split Squat (right) - 14, 13
2. Split Squat (left) - 13, 14
3. Jump Squat - 22, 22
4. High Knees (L&R=1) - 61, 68
5. Bicycle (L&R=1) - 24, 29
6. Leg Lift/Hip Lift - 14, 12
*Beginners start with 30 seconds of max reps, 15 seconds of rest (or high knees) between exercises.
*HIIT workouts are very intense. Push yourself, but also listen to your body.
1. Decline Pushups - 11
2. Double Squat Jump - 17
3. Burpee - 8
4. Reverse Hook Crunch - 13
5. Spiderman Plank (L&R=1) - 11
6. Frogger - 13
7. Lunge Jump - 24
8. Surfer - 31
9. Single Leg Frogger - 12
10. Temple Tap Abs (L&R=1) - 16
11. Frog Hopper - 9
12. Curtsy Lunge Kick (right) - 17
13. Curtsy Lunge Kick (left) - 16
14. Rotating Side Plank Crunch - 10
15. Squat Twist - 26
Day #18
Interval Workout: 10 seconds of rest, 50 seconds max reps in the time period
1. Jump Rope - 66, 66
2. Oblique V-Up (right) - 22, 22
3. Oblique V-Up (left) - 25, 23
4. Leg Lift Toe Touch - 11, 12
5. Temple Tap Abs - 14, 18
6. Jump Rope - 65, 65
7. Cheek to Cheek Plank - 12, 12
8. Side Plank Hip Lift (right) - 22, 17
9. Side Plank Hip Lift (left) - 22, 20
10. Heel Tap Abs - 13, 10
11. Jump Rope - 65, 63
I wasn't going to post my results but decided I'd like to keep track on here too.
Day #1
Max reps during each 50 second interval, 10 seconds of rest between exercises.
1. High Knees - 146
2. Spiderman Push-ups - 10
3. Russians - 40 (10 lb hand weight)
4. Warrior Deadlift (right) - 9 (25 lb sandbag)
5. Warrior Deadlift (left) - 10 (25 lb sandbag)
6. Mountain Climbers - 100
7. Temple Tap Abs - 24
8. Frog Hopper - 10
9. Curtsy Lunge Kick (right) - 13
10. Curtsy Lunge Kick (left) - 14
11. Burpee - 8
12. Heel Tap Plank - 12
13. Plank Pop-Up - 8
14. Plie Squat - 20
15. High Knees - 146
Beginner: 10 reps, 30 seconds timed
Intermediate: 15 reps, 45 secondsAdvanced: 20 Reps, 60 seconds *I did this one, twice through and it took me 26:20
Repeat 1-3X
1. Plank Pull (10 lb hand weight)
2. High Knees or Jump Rope (timed)
3. Crossed Table Right
4. Crossed Table Left
5. Sideways Jump (timed)
6. Standing Heel Press Right
7. Standing Heel Press Left
8. Forward/Backward Jump
9. Boat Pulse
10. High Knees or Jump Rope (timed)
All Levels: Max reps during each interval. (60 seconds, 30 second Burpees) *I did this format. I didn't keep track of my reps because there was no rest period.
orBeginner: 10 reps, 5 Burpees
Intermediate: 15 reps, 8 Burpees
Advanced: 20 reps, 10 Burpees
1. High Knees
2. Burpee
3. Plank Jack
4. Burpee
5. Temple Tap
6. Burpee
7. Windshield Wiper Plank
8. Burpee
9. Ab Extension Pulse
10. Burpee
11. Warrior 3 Hop
12. Burpee
13. 1 Leg Hip Thrust (right)
14. Burpee
15. 1 Leg Hip Thrust (left)
16. Burpee
2. Burpee
3. Plank Jack
4. Burpee
5. Temple Tap
6. Burpee
7. Windshield Wiper Plank
8. Burpee
9. Ab Extension Pulse
10. Burpee
11. Warrior 3 Hop
12. Burpee
13. 1 Leg Hip Thrust (right)
14. Burpee
15. 1 Leg Hip Thrust (left)
16. Burpee
50 Seconds Max Reps, 10 Seconds Rest1. Push-up Jacks - 13, 12
2. Jump Squat - 25, 25
3. High Knees - 134, 124
4. Plank Tap (right) - 20, 16
5. Plank Tap (left) - 21, 17
6. High Knees - 106, 112
7. Hip Thrust (right) - 17, 14
8. Hip Thrust (left) - 16, 16
9. High Knees - 138, 122
10. Lunge Jump - 28, 28
11. Burpee - 8, 7
12. High Knees - 124, 128
13. Super Taps - 62, 74
14. Leg Circles - 10, 10
15. High Knees - 130, 128
50 Seconds Max Reps, 10 Seconds Rest
1. Overhead Squat - 19
2. Lunge Jump - 24
3. Hip Thrust (right) - 17
4. Hip Thrust (left) - 17
5. Plie Jump - 25
6. Down Dog Push-up - 11
7. Dips - 9
8. Leaning Plank - 5
9. Plank Press - 9
10. Bridge - 1
11. Frogger - 13
12. Heel Tap Abs - 12
13. Hip Lift/V-Up - 9
14. Elbow Tap Side Plank (right) - 11
15. Elbow Tap Side Plank (left) - 13
Repeat 1-3X, 10 reps per exercise
*I did twice through and it took me 22:56
1. Squat Tap
2. Weighted Crunch Tap
3. 1 Leg Squat (right)
4. 1 Leg Squat (left)
5. Weighted Temple Tap
6. Curtsy Lunge Twist
7. Romanian Deadlift
8. Bent Over Row
9. Chest Press
10. Extend and Curl
1. Squat Tap
2. Weighted Crunch Tap
3. 1 Leg Squat (right)
4. 1 Leg Squat (left)
5. Weighted Temple Tap
6. Curtsy Lunge Twist
7. Romanian Deadlift
8. Bent Over Row
9. Chest Press
10. Extend and Curl
Max Reps 50 seconds, 10 seconds rest between exercises
1-3 rounds *I did two
1. Mountain Climbers - 114, 96
2. Jump Squats - 28, 26
3. High Knees - 138, 136
4. Lunge Jumps - 25, 24
5. Russians - 32, 30
6. High Knees - 122, 128
7. Frogger - 12, 11
8. Plie Jumps - 20, 20
9. High Knees - 110, 110
10. Hip Thrust (right) - 15, 18
11. Hip Thrust (left) - 18, 18
12. High Knees - 134, 126
13. Pendulum Hop - 20, 27
14. Burpee - 7, 7
15. High Knees - 118, 136
1. Mountain Climbers - 114, 96
2. Jump Squats - 28, 26
3. High Knees - 138, 136
4. Lunge Jumps - 25, 24
5. Russians - 32, 30
6. High Knees - 122, 128
7. Frogger - 12, 11
8. Plie Jumps - 20, 20
9. High Knees - 110, 110
10. Hip Thrust (right) - 15, 18
11. Hip Thrust (left) - 18, 18
12. High Knees - 134, 126
13. Pendulum Hop - 20, 27
14. Burpee - 7, 7
15. High Knees - 118, 136
*Plank 50 seconds per exercise, Jump Rope 30 seconds between each exercise.
The entire routine takes 20 minutes. 1. Forearm Plank
-Jump Rope
2. Right Side Plank
-Jump Rope
3. Left Side Plank
-Jump Rope
4. Chatarunga Plank
-Jump Rope
5. Rotating Plank (on the forearm)
-Jump Rope
6. Knee Drop Plank
-Jump Rope
7. Plank Jack
-Jump Rope
8. Elbow Tap Plank (right)
-Jump Rope
9. Elbow Tap Plank (left)
-Jump Rope
10. Leg Lift Plank
-Jump Rope
11. Plank Crunch
-Jump Rope
12. Side Plank Hip Lift (right)
-Jump Rope
13. Walk the Plank
-Jump Rope
14. Side Plank Hip Lift (left)
-Jump Rope
15. Plank Step
-Jump Rope
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps *I did one round and a T25
Repeat 1-3X
1. Squat Rotation - 14 *10 lbs hand weight
2. Sumo Squat Kick - 14 *25 lbs sandbag
3. Weighted Bridge - 11 *10 lbs hand weight
4. Ninja Tuck Jump - 7
5. Chair Pose Side Kick - 17
6. Plank Jack Frogger - 17
7. Twisting V-Up - 18
8. Mountain Climber -86
9. Tick Tock Abs - 8
10. Plank Leg Lift - 15
Beginner: 10 reps (30 seconds)
Intermediate: 15 reps (45 seconds)Advanced: 20 reps (60 seconds) *took me 23:09
1. Burpee -
2. Side Plank Drop with Leg Lift (right)
3. Side Plank Drop with Leg Lift (left)
4. Bicycle (timed)
5. Walking Pushups
6. Table Kick (right)
7. Table Kick (left)
8. Jump Squat
9. Down Dog Step (right)
10. Down Dog Step (left)
11. High Knees (timed)
12. Lunge Kick (right)
13. Lunge Kick (left)
14. 3 Part Abs
15. Knee Plank
All Levels: Max reps during each interval.
*Beginners: Start with 30 second interval, followed by 15 seconds of rest. *Intermediate: 40 second interval, 10 seconds rest
*Advanced: 50 second interval, 10 seconds rest
1. High Knees - 136, 140
2. Flying Pigeon (right) - 12, 12
3. Mountain Climber - 92, 80
4. Flying Pigeon (left) - 9, 13
5. Russians - 39, 34 *left to right = 1
6. Frog Hop Squat - 11, 13
7. High Knees - 128, 130
8. Down Dog Lift - 13, 14
9. Mountain Climber - 76, 78
10. Squat Planks - 9, 9
11. Russians - 72, 60
12. Reverse Crunch Rotation - 15, 19
13. High Knees - 124, 126
14. Knee Drop Plank - 18, 19
15. Mountain Climber - 80, 72
All Levels: Max reps for each 60 second interval, 30 seconds cardio of choice between each exercise.
cardio: high knees
2. Mountain Climber Hop - 7, 8
cardio: burpee
3. Angel Abs - 21, 19
cardio: high knees
4. Sumo Pushups - 10, 10
cardio: Jumping Jacks
5. Leg Series (right) - 17, 15
cardio: high knees
6. Leg Series (left) - 18, 18
cardio: burpee
7. Temple Tap Abs - 27, 29
cardio: high knees
8. Frogger Crunch - 9, 8
cardio: Jumping Jacks
9. Chair Twist - 22, 23
cardio: burpee
10. Prone Heel Tap - 54, 59
cardio: burpee
All Levels: Max reps during each 50 second interval, 10 seconds rest between exercises
Total Time: 15 Minutes1. High Knees - ?, 110
2. 3 Way Frogger - 7, 6
3. Lunge Jump - 36, 30
4. Burpee - 7, 7
5. Hip Lift - 20, 18
6. Bicycle - 27, 24 *L+R = 1
7. Side Plank Hip Lift (right) - 16, 16
8. Side Plank Hip Lift (left) - 20, 19
9. Jump Kick (right) - 24, 17
10. Jump Kick (left) - 19, 17
11. Surfer Burpee - 12, 12
12. Knee Drop Plank - 17, 20
13. Knee Slap Squat - 12, 11
14. Twisting Scissor - 17, 17
15. High Knees - 120, 120
Day #15
All Levels: Maximum number of reps during each 50 second interval, 10 seconds of rest between exercises.
1. High Knees - 130, 130
2. Frogger - 11, 10
3. Lunge Kick (right) - 19, 18
4. Lunge Kick (left) - 21, 18
5. Jumping Jacks - 46, 50
6. Jump Squat - 21, 21
7. Mountain Climbers -86, 90
8. Plie Jump - 20, 21
9. Plank Jack - 36, 32
10. Ninja Jump - 5, 6
11. Burpee - 8, 9
12. Low Jack - 20, 23
13. Side Step Up (right) - 17, 17
14. Side Step Up (left) - 19, 16
15. Twister - 13, 16
Day #16
All Levels: Maximum number of reps during each 50 second interval, 10 seconds of rest between exercises.
1. Split Squat (right) - 14, 13
2. Split Squat (left) - 13, 14
3. Jump Squat - 22, 22
4. High Knees (L&R=1) - 61, 68
5. Bicycle (L&R=1) - 24, 29
6. Leg Lift/Hip Lift - 14, 12
7. Knee Drop Plank - 17, 18
8. Frogger - 19, 20
9. Dips - 13, 14
10. Walk the Plank Pushups - 5, 6
11. Decline Rows - 16, 16 *with 5 lb hand weights
12. Squat and Curl - 15, 14 *with 5 lb hand weights
8. Frogger - 19, 20
9. Dips - 13, 14
10. Walk the Plank Pushups - 5, 6
11. Decline Rows - 16, 16 *with 5 lb hand weights
12. Squat and Curl - 15, 14 *with 5 lb hand weights
13. Stretch Back - 1
14. Forward Fold - 1
15. Pigeon (right) - 1
16. Pigeon (left) - 1
14. Forward Fold - 1
15. Pigeon (right) - 1
16. Pigeon (left) - 1
Max Reps During Each 60 second interval, 30 seconds of High Knees between exercises.
*Beginners start with 30 seconds of max reps, 15 seconds of rest (or high knees) between exercises.
*HIIT workouts are very intense. Push yourself, but also listen to your body.
1. Decline Pushups - 11
2. Double Squat Jump - 17
3. Burpee - 8
4. Reverse Hook Crunch - 13
5. Spiderman Plank (L&R=1) - 11
6. Frogger - 13
7. Lunge Jump - 24
8. Surfer - 31
9. Single Leg Frogger - 12
10. Temple Tap Abs (L&R=1) - 16
11. Frog Hopper - 9
12. Curtsy Lunge Kick (right) - 17
13. Curtsy Lunge Kick (left) - 16
14. Rotating Side Plank Crunch - 10
15. Squat Twist - 26
Day #18
Interval Workout: 10 seconds of rest, 50 seconds max reps in the time period
1. Jump Rope - 66, 66
2. Oblique V-Up (right) - 22, 22
3. Oblique V-Up (left) - 25, 23
4. Leg Lift Toe Touch - 11, 12
5. Temple Tap Abs - 14, 18
6. Jump Rope - 65, 65
7. Cheek to Cheek Plank - 12, 12
8. Side Plank Hip Lift (right) - 22, 17
9. Side Plank Hip Lift (left) - 22, 20
10. Heel Tap Abs - 13, 10
11. Jump Rope - 65, 63
12. Tricep Leg Lifts - 12, 16
13. Bicycle Abs - 32, 32
14. Scissor Reach - 11, 13
15. Angel Abs - 12, 18
16. Jump Rope - 68, 71
Day #19
All Levels: Max reps during each 50 second interval, with 10 seconds of rest in between.
Round 1: Cardio
1. In/Out Squat Jump
2. Step-up (right)
3. Step-up (left)
4. Warrior 3 Touch Down
5. Jump Up
Round 2: Abs
1. Half Get up/Crab Reach (with 10 lb kettle bell)
2. Plank Heel Touch
3. Pendulum Plank (right)
4. Pendulum Plank (left)
5. V-up
Round 3: Arms
1. Rolling Pushups
2. Warrior Row (right)
3. Down Dog Pushup
4. Warrior Row (left)
5. Tricep Dip
Round 4: Legs/Butt
1. Side Lunge Lift (right)
2. Side Lunge Lift (left)
3. Superman
4. Back Lunge (right)
5. Back Lunge (left)
Day #20
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps *took me 23:41 for 2 rounds
Repeat 1-3X
1. Side Frogger
2. Narrow Stance Squat
3. Angel Abs
4. Side Step Up Kick (right)
5. Side Step Up Kick (left)
6. Balanced Bicycle
7. 3 Point Side Tap (right)
8. 3 Point Side Tap (left)
9. Plank Lift
Day #21
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps *took me 32:10 for 2 rounds
Repeat 1-3X
1. Mountain Climber Pushups
2. Temple Tap Abs
3. Lunge Curl (right)
4. Situp Tap
5. Lunge Curl (left)
6. Stability Ball Chest Fly
7. Weighted Heel Tap Abs
8. Reverse Plank Step Out
9. Tricep Extension
10. 3 Part Abs
Day #22
10 Seconds of Rest, 50 Seconds Max Reps
*5 Minutes Per Round
*Total Time: 20 Minutes
Round 1: Cardio Blast
1. Cross Jacks - 50
2. Frogger - 26
3. Russian Kicks - 33
4. Lunge Jumps - 23
5. High Knees - 66
Round 2: Sculpted Arms, Shoulders and Back
1. Reverse Push-up - 10
2. Dips - 12
3. Plank Rows (with or without push-up) - 13
4. Chair Curl - 12
5. Decline Spiderman Push-up - 7
Round 3: Toned Glutes and Legs
1. Squat Jump - 27
2. Hip Thrust (right) - 19
3. Hip Thrust (left) - 19
4. Box Jump - 10
5. Burpee - 8
Round 4: Tighter Core
1. Russian Twist - 16
2. Hip Lift - 15
3. Mountain Climbers - 45
4. Temple Tap Abs - 20
5. Knee Tap Plank Jacks - 16
13. Bicycle Abs - 32, 32
14. Scissor Reach - 11, 13
15. Angel Abs - 12, 18
16. Jump Rope - 68, 71
Day #19
All Levels: Max reps during each 50 second interval, with 10 seconds of rest in between.
Round 1: Cardio
1. In/Out Squat Jump
2. Step-up (right)
3. Step-up (left)
4. Warrior 3 Touch Down
5. Jump Up
Round 2: Abs
1. Half Get up/Crab Reach (with 10 lb kettle bell)
2. Plank Heel Touch
3. Pendulum Plank (right)
4. Pendulum Plank (left)
5. V-up
Round 3: Arms
1. Rolling Pushups
2. Warrior Row (right)
3. Down Dog Pushup
4. Warrior Row (left)
5. Tricep Dip
Round 4: Legs/Butt
1. Side Lunge Lift (right)
2. Side Lunge Lift (left)
3. Superman
4. Back Lunge (right)
5. Back Lunge (left)
Day #20
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps *took me 23:41 for 2 rounds
Repeat 1-3X
1. Side Frogger
2. Narrow Stance Squat
3. Angel Abs
4. Side Step Up Kick (right)
5. Side Step Up Kick (left)
6. Balanced Bicycle
7. 3 Point Side Tap (right)
8. 3 Point Side Tap (left)
9. Plank Lift
Day #21
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps *took me 32:10 for 2 rounds
Repeat 1-3X
1. Mountain Climber Pushups
2. Temple Tap Abs
3. Lunge Curl (right)
4. Situp Tap
5. Lunge Curl (left)
6. Stability Ball Chest Fly
7. Weighted Heel Tap Abs
8. Reverse Plank Step Out
9. Tricep Extension
10. 3 Part Abs
Day #22
10 Seconds of Rest, 50 Seconds Max Reps
*5 Minutes Per Round
*Total Time: 20 Minutes
Round 1: Cardio Blast
1. Cross Jacks - 50
2. Frogger - 26
3. Russian Kicks - 33
4. Lunge Jumps - 23
5. High Knees - 66
Round 2: Sculpted Arms, Shoulders and Back
1. Reverse Push-up - 10
2. Dips - 12
3. Plank Rows (with or without push-up) - 13
4. Chair Curl - 12
5. Decline Spiderman Push-up - 7
Round 3: Toned Glutes and Legs
1. Squat Jump - 27
2. Hip Thrust (right) - 19
3. Hip Thrust (left) - 19
4. Box Jump - 10
5. Burpee - 8
Round 4: Tighter Core
1. Russian Twist - 16
2. Hip Lift - 15
3. Mountain Climbers - 45
4. Temple Tap Abs - 20
5. Knee Tap Plank Jacks - 16
This is such a great way to keep track! Keep up the great work!