Insanity - Round 2

I realized I haven't posted in a while.. and I've abandoned some more  programs. I know it is a bad habit but I liked doing workouts that work for me and my schedule.

I started Jamie Eason's Livefit trainer from and it was a really great workout but I got frustrated with the gym in my building. I can tell I would have wicked arms if I continued that program; if you have access to a gym I would suggest giving it a try!

I started the Melissa Bender challenge she posted in December too but I was sick for a few days and my knee was hurting from Mexico so I was taking it easy. I was still doing them every other day and have done up to Day 9.

On Tuesday I started Insanity because I've been fairly lenient on what I'm consuming and have gained some inches again. The problem with Insanity is that I sometimes don't have 40 minutes to workout every day so I would stop the program. However, this time I plan on subbing out for a T25 video if I don't have enough time for the Insanity video. I'm a genious right?! =) I've managed to get my ass out of bed before work to do my workout in the morning today and yesterday - that's a record! Seriously. Let's see if I can push this into tomorrow for cardio recovery and abs tomorrow.

I did remember to take before photos and plan to do weekly progress shots and measurements. I already feel a bit leaner from getting my butt in gear since the weekend but I could be a bit cleaner with my diet. I need to exercise will power more often because there are too many temptations at work.

I'll let you know of the results after week 1 :)
