First things first: isn't my little guinea pig adorable? There was a strawberry that had a little bit of mould on it so I gave it to her to nibble on. She is 7.5 years old!! That's ancient in guinea pig years and she is still healthy and spry.
This was dinner tonight and I'll say it again: I love having food prepped and ready to eat. Usually by the time I want to eat I'm already starving and end up snacking while my food is cooking. So it is nice when I have my meat and starchy carbs cooked because they tend to take the longest. This was 362 calories made of 5 ounces of steak, 4 ounces of sweet potato, and 10 asparagus spears. I added 1 teaspoon of olive oil into my calorie tracker because I drizzled both the asparagus and sweet potato with it. I bought fresh garlic yesterday and I have to say it adds such a lovely flavor. I prepared the asparagus and sweet potato the same way - drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper, and fresh minced garlic.
This was my lunch today and I have to say that I easily made it to my workout and dinner without being hunry. I also had half of a dragon fruit for some sweetness :)
I'm pretty excited about my lunch tomorrow so I will try to remember to take a picture of it before I devour it haha.
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