My weekend - the sun has come!

It was beautiful on Saturday!! I spent the afternoon in my mom's back yard with my mom, brother, and niece. My dad joined us for supper, I made hamburgers from scratch with sauteed onions mixed in them - they were a hit! I don't know where I learned how to make burgers but I've been told by a few people that they're good.

I use an egg, oatmeal, garlic, onions, Worcestershire sauce, Heinz chili sauce, and
a mix of herbs and spices. I didn't take a picture today because my phone was so dead it had to be plugged in. :( We only had burgers and bean salad because we were saving room for sundaes.

Ever since I introduced my mom to Tutti Frutti she's kind of started her own sundae bar. She has chocolate sauce, caramel, strawberry sauce, Skor bits, chocolate chips, an assortment of sprinkles, graham cracker crumbs, chocolate cookie crumbs, and other delicious sweets. I only had a small scoop of ice cream (about 1/4 cup) and topped it with some goodies. There were strawberries and grapes outside on the table so I threw some strawberries on there too. It was quite yummy.

I won a contest on Facebook for Fitmark bags and won this duffle. I would have preferred one of their meal management bags but I'm not going to be picky about free stuff lol. This is quite big and was large enough to fit my runners, jacket, meal bag, a change of clothes, and my purse. And there was room left with all that in there. Right now our weather is crazy because it's nice during the day but cools off quite a bit at night. So if I'm going out I know I'm going to want a set of clothes for both warm and cool weather.

Since I took some much needed rest days earlier this week I wanted to workout today. I almost took another rest day since I am still stuffed up but otherwise I feel fine. So I did a 33 minute total body circuit HIT with 10 minutes of stretching after. It seriously feels so good to get a good workout in and feel my muscles working. If you don't use weights you should seriously start!

Sunday was just as beautiful as Saturday and I again spent part of the afternoon in my mom's back yard. I mixed up this refreshing punch (no booze) because it was just too gorgeous outside to not be sipping on a fizzy fruity drink. I made ginger ale with my mom's Sodastream and I didn't realize that it actually has quite a few less calories than store bought pop. I used a juice box of strawberry banana juice and mixed it with the ginger ale, and I put some fruit in each glass before pouring it. I used frozen pineapple and cherries, and fresh strawberries. It was so delicious and definitely would have gone good with your choice of alcohol ;)

The sunshine makes me so happy, I could sit in the back yard all day! I got some color too because a coworker asked me if I went away somewhere haha.

Sunday evening I went out for dinner with some girl friends for one of my best friend's birthdays. I didn't eat much the rest of the day so I ordered a Reuben and got a mixed greens salad with blue cheese dressing on the side. There was definitely apple crisp al a mode for dessert but I should have stopped at half. I was uncomfortably full but I really hate wasting food. I guess we should have split dessert instead of each ordering our own haha. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
