Here is a list of ZWOWs including the link and the workout breakdown. I like using this when I want to target a specific area instead of having to flip through all the videos. Maybe someday I'll find time to get all of them done instead of posting as I do them :)

(click on the ZWOW number to link into her Youtube video of the workout)

ZWOW # 1 - time challenge: 2 rounds completed in 18:08
  • 10 x dive bombers
  • 5 x burpees
  • 20 x squat leg lift (each side)
  • 5 x burpees
  • 10 x side plank lift (each side)
  • 5 x burpees
  • 10 x half pistol squat
  • 5 x burpees

ZWOW # 2 - time challenge: 3 rounds completed in 21:28
  • 5 x manmakers
  • 10 x twisted pushups
  • 20 x low burpee hops
  • 25 x competition sit ups

ZWOW # 3 - time challenge: completed in 14:40
pyramid challenge: 5, 10, 15, 10, 5
  • one leg lunge (each leg)
  • push ups / spiderman
  • skaters
  • split squat jumps

ZWOW # 4 - time challenge, 3 rounds: completed in 15:57
  • 50 x pendulums
  • 20 x burpees
  • 20 x kettlebell swings
  • 10 x push ups w twist toe touch
  • 5 x squats
  • 2 min jump rope

ZWOW # 5 - 10 minute AMRAP: finished 4 times through and 6x bicep curls & shoulder press
  • 10 x bicep curls
  • 30 x medicine ball mountain climbers
  • 10 x sumo dead lift high pulls
  • 5 x competition burpees

ZWOW # 6 - 10 min AMRAP: finished 5 times through and 8 pulse plyo jumps
  • 10 x pulse plyo jumps (3 pulses & jump)
  • 8 x side burpees (alternating sides)
  • 6 x jump leg kick ups

ZWOW # 7 - time challenge: 3 rounds completed in 14:28
  • 10 x jump lunge side kick
  • 10 x super girl push ups
  • 2 minutes jump rope
  • 10 x love bends w 20 lb sandbag (each side)

ZWOW # 8 - time challenge: 6 rounds completed in 20:05 - I wanted to give up after the first 4 rounds but I pushed myself REALLY hard and finished two more rounds. It felt amazing!
  • 10 x forward backward squat jump
  • 10 x dragon lunge back w 20 lb sandbag
  • 10 x toe touch jump up
  • 10 x side plank leg lift

ZWOW # 9 - 10 minute AMRAP: I did 3 times through in 11:29
  • 10 x santana push ups
  • 10 x 3 pike plyo tuck
  • 30 x crab toe touches
  • 20 x low jacks

ZWOW # 10 - 10 minute AMRAP: finished 2 rounds through and 48 high knees
  • 100 high knees
  • 20 x reptile burpees
  • 20 x kettle bell jumps

ZWOW # 11 - 10 min AMRAP: finished 5 times through
  • 10 x mule kick
  • 10 x sumo push up
  • 20 x side jump lunge

ZWOW # 12 - 10 minute AMRAP: finished 3 rounds & 10 pistols and 11 low jacks. I had to do assisted pistols with a chair. I've also decided I cannot do them at all because my knee can't handle them.
  • 10 x pistols
  • 20 x low jacks
  • 10 x dynamic burpees
  • 20 x low jacks

ZWOW # 13 - 16 min tabata, 20/10 - 4 min each exercise
  • alternating leg balance burn
  • bunny hop (pike mat jump)
  • weighted leg raise
  • broad jump death burpee

ZWOW # 14 - time challenge, 5 rounds
  • 10 x push press
  • 10 x thrusters
  • 10 x back curl lunge
  • 10 x preacher curl
  • 10 x weighted lunge jump
  • 10 x broad jump burpee

ZWOW # 15 - time challenge, 5 rounds
  • 10 x ground to overhead
  • 10 x single leg weighted squat
  • 10 x skull crushers
  • 10 x V ups
  • 10 x 180 lateral jump burpee

ZWOW # 16 - 15 min AMRAP
  • 10 x renegade rows
  • 10 x over head lunges
  • 10 x squat jump burpee
  • 10 x crab touches
  • 10 x sump deadlift high pull

ZWOW # 17 - 12 min AMRAP
  • 5 x wall walk
  • 10 x wall lunge
  • 15 x plan wall touch
  • 20 x wall sit with march

ZWOW # 18 - time challenge: 4 exercise, 5 rounds - completed in 40:30
  • 5 x burpee step up, each leg
  • 15 x round kick lunge back, each leg
  • 20 x inverted leg extension
  • 30 x tricep dip with leg raise

ZWOW # 19 - time challenge: 5 rounds
  • 10 x water bottle clean
  • 10 x pistol squats
  • 10 x water bottle push ups
  • 10 x Russian twist
  • 10 x hip twist
  • 10 x hollow rock

ZWOW # 20 - time challenge: 4 exercises, 3 rounds - completed in 15:35
  • 20 x side jump lunge
  • 10 x forward/backward burpee
  • 10 x alternating double bridge
  • 10 x (each leg) one leg dip lunge

ZWOW # 21 - 10 minute AMRAP: completed 4 rounds and 5 burpee handstands
  • 5 x burpee hand stand
  • 5 x ninja jumps
  • 10 x (each side) squat side kick

ZWOW # 22 - time challenge: 5 exercises, 30 reps each with 4 burpees on the minute each minute - completed in 22:23 (with 2 minutes skipping for warm up)
  • 30 x chair jumps
  • 30 x chair push ups
  • 30 x tricep dips
  • 30 x sumo squats
  • 30 x RDL squat twist

ZWOW # 23 - time challenge, 3 rounds
  • 10 x push ups
  • 20 x burpees
  • 30 x jump squats
  • 40 x mountain climbers
  • 50 x sit ups

ZWOW # 24 - 10 AMRAP: completed 3 rounds, and 3 prisoner get ups short of 4
  • 15 x dynamic squats
  • 15 x kick ups
  • 10 x dive bombers
  • 10 x prisoner get ups

ZWOW # 25 - time challenge: 4 exercises, 3 rounds. 30 burpee buy-in. Completed in: buy in - 3:43. Challenge - 12:16
  • 20 x plyo fly
  • 15 x squat overhead prees
  • 10 x lateral jump touch
  • 5 x ab splitters (toe touch, split abs, tuck abs)

ZWOW #26 - 10 minute AMRAP: 30 seconds for each move, no rest in between. Do these twice through.
  • plank with leg lift and jump up L
  • side crunch L
  • plank with leg lift and jump up R
  • side crunch R
  • side to side squat
  • side to side push-up
  • knee hug
  • elbow plank
  • pike press
  • plank jump

ZWOW #27 - 10 minute AMRAP
  • buy in: 3 min of overhead squats with weight
  • 3 x burpees every minute
  • walking lunges until end of round

ZWOW #28 - 10 minute AMRAP: completed 2 rounds and the first 3 exercises.
  • 10 x dragon lunges, each side
  • 20 x jump junges
  • 15 x pike jumps
  • 10 x reptile pushups

ZWOW #30 was a redo of ZWOW #1 - beat your time

ZWOW #31 - time challenge: 5 exercise, 3 rounds - completed in 26:35
  • 10 x pushups
  • 20 x burpees 
  • 30 x jump squats
  • 40 x mountain climbers
  • 50 x sit ups

ZWOW #32 - time challenge: 5 exercises, 3 rounds - completed in 9:07
  • 60 x side hops
  • 10 x chair dips
  • 10 x broad jumps
  • 5 x hip thrusts
  • 10 x Russian twists 

ZWOW #33 - 15 minute AMRAP: completed 3 rounds (went over the time to complete 3 equal rounds)
  • 10 x burpee side lunge
  • 10 x pulse squat jump
  • 10 x James Bond lunge
  • 15 x side plank leg lift (each side)

ZWOW #34 - time challenge: 4 exercises, 3 rounds. I used my 20lb sandbag instead of hand weights - completed in 17:10
  • 20 x squat hops
  • 20 x bent over rows
  • 20 x walking lunges
  • 20 x plank and pulls

ZWOW #35 - time challenge: 5 exercise, 3 rounds: completed in 16:52
  • 10 x overhead squat and leg lift
  • 10 x competition burpees
  • 10 x pistol squats
  • 40 x chair hops 
  • 10 x dive bombers

ZWOW #36 - time challenge: 4 exercise, 3 rounds: completed in just over 11 minutes
  • 10 x 4 point hops
  • 10 x 4 point punches
  • 10 x one arm alt. planks
  • 10 x weighted thrusts

ZWOW #37 - 12 minute AMRAP: 30 seconds for each move, 3 rounds.
  • 30 seconds santana pushups
  • 30 seconds side hops
  • 30 seconds santana pushups
  • 30 seconds squat jumps

ZWOW #38 - time challenge: 3 exercise, 3 rounds: completed in 18 minutes
  •  8 x 5 jump lunges, push up and burpee
  • 20 x dumbbell/sandbag swing, each arm
  • 20 x side crunch, each side

ZWOW #39 - time challenge: 4 exercise, 3 rounds: completed in 10:14
  • 50 x side hops
  • 10 x spiders (left to right = 1) 
  • 10 x lunge hop (each side)
  • 10 x lunge press (each side)

ZWOW #40 - time challenge: 4 exercise, 3 rounds for time: completed in 13:10
  • 10 x 1, 2, 3 burpees
  • 20 x strict mountain climbers
  • 10 x clapping push ups (knees)
  • 40 x air squats (using 5lb hand weights)

ZWOW #41 -time challenge: 4 exercises, 3 rounds - completed in 17:42
  • 10 x burpee to chair stand
  • 10 x row and twist (each side)
  • 10 x prisoner squat jumps
  • 10 x doggie leg swing push up (each side)

ZWOW #42 - time challenge: 5 exercises, 4 rounds - completed in 19:41

  • 10 x competition burpees
  • 20 x low jacks
  • 10 x strict mountain climbers (each side)
  • 10 x commando pushups
  • 20 x knee hugs

ZWOW #43 - 12 minute AMRAP - completed 2 rounds in 13:54 (I went past the 12 minutes to do a full 2 rounds)
  • 15 x side step ups (each leg)
  • 10 x tricep dip one leg out (each side)
  • 15 x one leg elevated lunge (each leg)
  • 10 x chair climbers

ZWOW #44 - time challenge: 4 exercises, 2 rounds - completed in 13:41
  • 15 x squat jumps
  • 10 x leg lift burpee
  • 15 x wood chop lunge (each leg)
  • 20 x twisted sit up

ZWOW  #45 - time challenge: 4 exercises, 3 rounds - completed in 15:27
buy in of 30 competition burpees with knee hug. I did just burpees because my hardwood floors hurt to roll on lol.
  • 10 x wall stand w/ push up
  • 20 x jump squat
  • 10 x row knee tuck
  • 10 x jump lunge and side kick

ZWOW #46 - time challenge: 3 exercise, 2 rounds (I did 3 rounds) - completed in 14:33
  • 10 x one leg walk out burpee (5 each leg)
  • 30 x side lunge jump
  • 10 x side plank knee tuck (each side)

ZWOW #47 - 12 minute AMRAP: 2 exercises - completed 4 rounds, 10 of move 1 and 3 of move 2.
  • 10 x forward/backward squat jumps
  • 5 x ab splitters and super girl push ups

ZWOW #48 - 12 minute AMRAP: 4 exercises - completed 4 rounds, 10 jump squats, and 6 breakdance pushups.
  • 10 x jump squats
  • 10 x breakdance push ups
  • 10 x jump squats
  • 10 x leg & butt lifts

ZWOW #49 -  time challenge: 365 rep workout - completed in 29:25
  • 20 x kettlebell swings
  • 10 x Competition Burpees
  • 20 x kettlebell swings (other arm)
  • 10 x Competition Burpees
  • 20 x Reptile Push Ups (Bring your body all the way down and do a knee tuck in the upper position)
  • 10 x Competition Burpees
  • 20 x Side Crunch
  • 10 x Competition Burpees
  • 20 x Side Crunch (other side)
  • 10 x Competition Burpess
  • 20 x Strict Mountain Climbers
  • 10 x Competition Burpees
  • 20 x Dragon Backward Lunge Alternating legs with Dumbbells
  • 10 x Competition Burpees
  • 20 x Side to side weighted Squat
  • 10 x Competition Burpees
  • 20 x Knee Hugs
  • 10 x Competition Burpees
  • 20 x Spider
  • 10 x Competition Burpees
  • 20 x Lunge Press with Dumbbells
  • 10 x Competition Burpees
  • 20 x Lunge Press with Dumbbells (other side)
  • 10 x Competition Burpees
  • 5 x Jump Squats

ZWOW #50 - time challenge: 5 exercises, 5 rounds - completed in 25:03
  • 10 x high knees
  • 10 x step up leg lift
  • 10 x plank step over
  • 10x chair jumps 
  • 10 x side step burpee

ZWOW #51 - time challenge: completed in 16:48
  • 100 x Strict Mountain Climbers
  • 20 x Pike Leg Lift
  • 20 x Burpees
  • 20 x  Pike Leg Lifts
  • 10 x Burpees
  • 20 x Pike leg lifts
  • 10 x Burpees
  • 50 x Mini Air Squats
  • 10 x Dive Bombers
  • 50 x Mini squats
  • 10 x Dive bombers
  • 100 x Mountain climber

ZWOW #52 - time challenge: completed in 14:57
  • 10 x plank tuck jump
    seated bent over stretch (repeat this set 3 times)
  • 10 x knee hug & leg lift
    cobra stretch (repeat this set 3 times) 
  • 10 x 3 jump lunges & 3 knee ups
    2 x bent over stretch
  • 5 x pistol squats
    deep lunge (repeat this set twice on each leg)

ZWOW #53 - time challenge
  • 20 x jump squats
    candle and forward bend, candle & stand up
  • 15 x side jump lunges
    side leg stretch
  • 15 x side jump lunges
    side leg stretch, other leg
  • 10 x cross legged push ups
    reach up stretch


ZWOW #55 - 12 min AMRAP

  • 10 x plank pull and burpee
  • 20 x goblet squat
  • 20 x side hops
  • 10 x plank knee pull

ZWOW #56 - 8 min AMRAP; 30 second intervals
  • high knees
  • squat press
  • high knees
  • dumbbell rows
  • high knees
  • jump squat twist
  • high knees
  • one leg push up with toe touch

ZWOW #57 - time challenge, 4 rounds

  • 10 x burpees
  • 15 x jump lunges
  • 20 x push ups
  • 30 x mountain climbers
  • 40 x air squats

ZWOW #58 - time challenge, 3 rounds

  • 30 x lateral skips
  • 10 x elevated lunge (each leg)
  • 10 x burpees
  • 10 x push up and side lift
  • 20 x plank pull across

ZWOW #59 - time challenge, 3 rounds
  • 10 x RDL push ups
  • 20 x cross around the worlds
  • 20 x weighted reverse lunge twists
  • 20 x cross body mountain climbers
  • 30 x side skips

ZWOW #68 - 10 minute AMRAP: completed 3 rounds and 6 switch lunge and stretch
  • 10 x 3 switch lunges and stretch
  • 5 x scorpion pushups (each side)
  • 20 x squat and leg lift (holding 5lb hand weights)
  • 10 x plank & ski squats (5lb hand weights)

ZWOW #69 - time challenge: 6 exercises, 2 rounds - completed in 16:20:96
  • 75 x high knees
  • 25 x goblet squat (20lb sandbag)
  • 75 x high knees
  • 25 x dive bombers
  • 75 x high knees
  • 25 x plank pull (20lb sandbag)
