Blueberry 'crisp'

If you've read my other posts or follow me on Facebook you're aware that I love sweets. So if I can find a way to eat dessert and not feel guilty about it, then of course I need to share it. I made this the other night for my mum too and she said it was delicious and tasted just like blueberry crisp.

You'll need:
  • fresh or frozen berries of any kind
  • light whipped topping
  • granola
  • cinnamon
Warm up the blueberries either in the micro wave (with water if fresh) or in a small pot on the stove on low heat. When they are all warmed up put them into the serving dishes and sprinkle cinnamon on top. The other night I put some yogurt on top before the whipped topping and it was even more amazing but this is good without it. Put a dollop of whipped topping and 1T of granola and eat!

I have to admit that I plan on keeping light whipped topping in my fridge frequently. If I'm craving ice cream it also hits the spot for me if it's in the freezer and at 30 calories per 2 or 3 tablespoons? Yes please!
