Bodyrock October 2013 - 30 day challenge - links and workout breakdowns

The format of the videos for this challenge is you skip (or do some type of cardio) while you watch Lisa-Marie do the exercise and then she skips while you do the exercise. So if you follow the videos you'll be doing a workout twice as long or you can set your own timer and do them on your own. They do have the playlist on their Youtube for all of the challenge videos but I don't believe they have the workout breakdowns. This is for myself because I like having everything in writing and I'm just putting it on here in case someone else finds it handy too :)

Day 1

10/30 for 65 rounds

Part One - Movement & Strength:
1. Push-Up, Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball
2. Squat & Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar
3. Tuck Abs
4. 1 Arm Clean & Press, Squat & Press & push Up - (Alternate L&R Arm) – using the Tbar weights
5. Lunge & Twist - (Alternate L&R) – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
6. Dive Bombers
7. Left Woodchop - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
8. Right Woodchop - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
9. 10 High Weighted Knees & 10 Mountain Climbers - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
10. Push Up & Plank Row - using the Tbar weights
11. Chest Press & Reverse Curl Legs - (Legs go down when weight comes to chest) – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
12. Lunge & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
13. 8′s - (or ab exercise of choice) – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
14. Standing Fly’s - using the Tbar weights

(30 second rest )

Part Two - Weighted Burnout:
1. Bicep Curl - using the Sandbag or Tbar
2. Straight Abs - (Knees Up)
3. Oblique V Abs Left
4. Tricep Dips
5. Tuck Abs
6. Chest Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar
7. Oblique V Abs Right
8. Upright Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
9. Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
10. Push-Ups
11. Flys - using the Tbar weights
12. Lunge & Twist - (Alternate L&R) – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
13. Pull Ups - using the Equalizer
14. 17. Reverse Curls
15. Shoulder Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar
16. Bent-over Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
17. Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
18. Reverse Curls

Day 2

10/30 for 40 rounds

1. Side Jumps Lunge or Star Jumps
2. One Jump Forward & Two Jumps Back
3. 10 High Knees & Drop Down
4. Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar
5. Lunge & Twist - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
6. One Leg Press Up - (L&R Alternate)
7. Oblique Side V Abs - (1 V ab left – roll – 1 V ab right )
8. Squat & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
9. Mountain Climbers
10. Upright Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
11. Bicep Curl & Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar
12. Wood Chops - (left) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
13. Wood Chops - (right) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
14. 10 High Knees & 10 Mountain Climbers
15. Ball Oblique Twists - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
16. Sandbag Swings - using the Sandbag
17. Bent Over Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
18. Front Raise & Side Fly Raise - using the Tbar weights
19. Tuck Abs
20. Burpee, Push-Up & Jump
21. Tricep Dips - (Your Choice)
22. Plank
23. Chest Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar
24. Push-Up, Burpee & Star Jump
25. Spider Push-Up - (L&R Alternate)
26. Straight Punches - using the Tbar weights
27. Tuck Jumps
28. Upper Cuts - using the Tbar weights
29. Snowboard - (wide leg jump with a turn)
30. Box Taps
31. Push-Up & Side Plank
32. Jump Lunges
33. Half Burpee & Calve Raises
34. Crunches with Leg Extensions
35. Reverse Curls
36. Squats - using the Sandbag or Tbar
37. Jump Squats
38. Prisoner Squats & Front Kick
39. Straight Abs
40. Touch Toe Abs - (L&R Alternate)

Day 3

10/30 for 42(?) rounds

Part 1 - Legs & Arms
1. Spider Push Up - (L&R Alternate)
2. Squat & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
3. Sandbag Lunge & Lift – Left Leg – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
4. Sandbag Lunge & lift – Right Leg - using the Sandbag or Tbar
5. Squat Jumps or Tuck Jumps
6. Push-Up & 1/2 Burpee
7. Shoulder Sandbag Lift - (L&R Alternative) - using the Sandbag
8. Sandbag Overhead Abs & Shoulder Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
9. 1 Leg Push-Up, Burpee, Jump Bag - using the Sandbag
10. Left Leg Board Weighted Step up’s - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
11. Left Right Board Weighted Step up’s - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
12. Sandbag Get Up’s - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball
13. Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar

(30 second / One Round Rest)

Part 2 – Arms
1. V Push-Up’s (downward dog position, head to floor – all shoulders)
2. 1/2 Burpee + 1 Push-Up
3. Push up + 2 Mtn Knees L & R, Push Up + Spider knees L & R, Push-Up + Under Knee L & R
4. 1 Leg Push-Up & Burpee
5. Superman Push- Ups
6. Wide Arm Push Up – Jump In & Out Legs - (go down on the ‘WIDE’ leg)
7. Tricep Push Up – Jump In & Out Legs - (go down on the ‘IN’ leg)
8. Plank Abs
9. Deadlift - (L&R Alternate) - using the Sandbag or Tbar
10. Press Up, Row L&R, Spider Knee L&R & Side Oblique Plank L&R - using the Tbar weights
11. Upright Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
12. Bicep Curl & Press - using the Tbar weights

(30 second / One Round Rest)

Part 3 - Abs
1. Running Man - (Like elbow to knee but make a running man shape when u come up)
2. V Abs - (L&R Alternate)
3. Plank & Side to Side Jump - Feet Together, 6 inch jump side to side in a plank position.
4. SuperMan Push-Ups
5. 10 Mountain Climbers & 10 Spider Knee Climbers
6. Tuck Abs
7. Touch Toe Abs - (L&R Alternate)
8. Over Head Abs - using the Sandbag or Tbar
9. Oblique Plank Abs - Left Side drop
10. Oblique Plank Abs - Right Side drop
11. Plank Abs
12. Reverse Curl
13. Seated Oblique Twists - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
14. Crunch & Leg Extensions - (Like a tuck ab, but legs straight out and in hands behind your head)
15. Straight Abs - Knees up if you can

Day 4

10/30 for 30 rounds

1. Sumo Squat & Knee To Elbow Lift – (Alternate L&R Knee) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
2. Dive Bombers
3. Weighted Step Ups Left - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
4. Weighted Step Ups Right - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
5. Tricep Dips & Knee Lift - using the Equalizer
6. Weighted Low Jack Prisoner Jumps - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
7. Tricep Dips - using the Equalizer
8. Sandbag Sit Up - (sit up with the wight above your head) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
9. Ugi Punch / Straight Punches - using the Tbar weights
10. Weighted Frog Jump & Burpee – Forward & Back - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
11. Forward Lunge & Side Lunge Left - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
12. Forward Lunge & Side Lunge Right - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
13. Sumo Push up - (Push up & lift hand 6 Inchs off the floor – L&R Alternate)
14. Side Oblique Abs - (L&R Alternate) - using the Equalizer
15. Knee Lift Kick Over Lunge - (L&R Alternate) - using the Equalizer
16. 3 Point Abs – (Centre, Side, Centre, Side) - using the Equalizer
17. Push- Up Jack Legs - (Push up as u bring your legs in)
18. Ninja Tuck Jumps or Squat Jumps
19. Clean & Press & Lunge - (L&R Alternate Lunge – lunge with the weight above your head) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
20. 10 High Knees & 2 Spider Push Ups
21. Plank Jumps - (Jump legs in & out)
22. Weighted Switch Lunge & Twist - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
23. Weighted Hip Thrusts - (Lie on your back & lift the pelvis off the floor with the weight on ur pelvis) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
24. Plank Jumps - (Plank position, jump in to the left elbow, jump in centre, jump to the right elbow)
25. Chuck & Tuck - using the Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
26. 1/2 Burpee
27. Wide Leg Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
28. Core Splits - (Lift legs into a V in front) – using the Equalizer
29. Standing Front Raise & Side Raise - using the Tbar weights
30. Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar

To Finish - The Burnout
1. Sandbag Swings - 1 Min - using the Sandbag
2. Squat & Touch The Floor – 1 Min
3. Reverse Pull Ups - 1 Min - using the Equalizer
4. Dive Bombers - 1 Min

Day 5

10/30 for 30 rounds

1. Straight Abs – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
2. Jack Knife - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
3. Elevated Plank – Knee Tuck (L&R Alternate) – using the Equalizer
4. Knee Circles - using the Equalizer
5. Left Side Plank Tuck Under – using the Tbar weights
6. Right Side Plank Tuck Under – using the Tbar weights
7. Ugi Ball Plank Side Touches – using the or Ugi Ball
8. Chuck & Tuck – using the Ugi Ball
9. Plank Punches
10. Mountain Climbers
11. DiveBombers
12. Ugi V Abs - using the Ugi Ball
13. Over Head Abs - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
14. High Plank – Elbow To Knee
15. Low Plank – Elbow To Knee
16. Wood Chop Left - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
17. Wood Chop Right - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
18. Seated Tuck Abs
19. Wide Leg 1/2 Burpee
20. Plank Jump In & Out Legs
21. Equalizer Left – 1 leg Oblique Plank, Knee to Elbow - using the Equalizer
22. Equalizer Left – 1 leg Oblique Plank, Knee to Elbow - using the Equalizer
23. Scissors
24. Weighted Pelvis Lift - - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
25. Suit Case Crunches - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
26. Ski Abs
27. Jump Mat
28. Reverse Frog Abs
29. Oblique Twists
30. Tuck Jumps – Burnout !!

Day 6
rest day

Day 7

10/30 for 19 rounds

1. Bodyweight Squat Jumps
2. Tuck Abs
3. Shoulder Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
4. Back Extensions
5. Bodyweight Squat Jumps
6. Push Ups
7. Reverse Pull Ups - using the Equalizer
8. Side Touches - using the Tbar weights
9. Basket Ball Jumps - Left
10. Basket Ball Jumps – Right
11. Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
12. Tricep Dips
11. Bodyweight Squat Jumps
12. Wall Plank Abs & Knee Tucks (feet on wall)
13. Chest Punch & Tricep Kick Back – using the Tbar weights
14. Switch Kicks & Touch - using the Tbar weights
15. Side Oblique Jumps
16. Knee Raises - using the Equalizer
17. Tuck Ab & Lift - using the Equalizer
18. Mountain Climbers
19. High Knees Twists- using the Tbar weights

Ass Squeezes:
1. Squeezes – Legs Hip Distance apart
2. Squeezes – Knees Together
3. Squeezes – In & Out
4. Squeezes – Hold the Squeeze & In & Out with the Knees

Ass Inner & Leg Workout: (We Will Repeat These – Left & Right Side Separate)
1. Straight Leg Lift
2. L leg Lift & Lower
3. Straight Leg Cross Over
4. Bent leg press to the ceiling

Inner & Outer Thigh: ( We Will Repeat These – Left & Right Side Separate)
1. Straight Leg Outer Thigh
2. Forward Bent L Press
3. Straight Leg Press Foot forward and back
4. Small Straight Leg Presses up and down

Day 8

10/30 for 26 rounds

1. Walking Push Ups
2. Sandbag Swing - using the Sandbag
3. Left Leg Squat & Behind Toe Touch & Reach – using the Tbar weights
4. Left Leg Squat & Behind Toe Touch & Reach – using the Tbar weights
5. Clean & Press & Squat & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
6. Elevated Spider Push Up - using the Equalizer
7. Push-Up, Burpee, Tuck Jump
8. 2 x Switch Lunges & 2 x Wide Squat
9. WoodChop Knee Abs Left – using the Tbar weights
10. WoodChop Knee Abs Right – using the Tbar weights
11. 10 Mountain Climbs & 2 Walking Push Ups
12. Left Arm, Left Leg – Lunge & Press - using the Tbar weights
13. Right Arm Right Leg – Lunge & Press - using the Tbar weights
14. Tricep Dip & V Knee Tuck – using the Equalizer
15. Low Plie Squats - Straight Punches - using the Tbar weights
16. Burpee & Tuck Jumps
17. Straight Legs & L&R Alternate Toe Touchs
18. Ski Abs - using the Ugi Ball
19. Mat Jumps
20. Side Oblique & Push Up – L&R Alternate
21. Plank – Jump In & Out Legs
22. Weighted Globe Twists
23. Pogo & Press - Left - using the Tbar weights
24. Pogo & Press – Right - using the Tbar weights
25. Reverse Plank
26. Plank – Up & Over – L&R Alternate – using the Equalizer

now set your timer for 10/50 for 11 rounds
1) Chest Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar
2) Bentover Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
3) Bentover Flys - using the Tbar weights
4) Deadlift & Bentover Row – L&R Alternate - using the Sandbag or Tbar
5) Reverse Push-Ups - using the Equalizer
6) Push-up Punches
7) Lay Ugi Flys - using the Tbar weights
8) Left Arm Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
9) Right Arm Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
10) Plank Ugi Forward & Flys – Left - using the Tbar weights & Ugi Ball
11) Plank Forward & Flys – Right - using the Tbar weights & the Ugi Ball

Day 9

10/30 for 31 rounds

1.Frog Jump, Push-Up & Tuck Jump
2. Shoulder Lift, Squat, Drop & Press Up Burpee, Tuck - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
3. V Knee Lift & Tricep Dip - using the Equalizer
4. Left Arm Reverse Push Up - using the Equalizer
5. Right Arm Reverse Push Up - using the Equalizer
6. Ugi Ball Mat Jump Overs - using the Ugi Ball
7. Left Leg Ugi Lunge Back (Touch floor) & Lift – (weighted optional) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
8. Right Leg Ugi Lunge Back (Touch floor) & Lift – (weighted optional) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
9. Get Ups - using the Ugi Ball
10. Laying Single Left Leg Ugi Pelvis Lift - using the Ugi Ball
11. Laying Single Left Leg Ugi Pelvis Lift - using the Ugi Ball
12. Ugi Ball Reverse Crunch - using the Ugi Ball
13. Weighted 10 Mountain & 10 High Knees - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
14. Ugi Ball Jump Overs (or Toe Taps) - using the Ugi Ball
15. Crab Kick Ups
16. V Abs Left - using the Tbar weights
17. V Abs Right - using the Tbar weights
18. Lift Hands Burpees
19. Hook Squat Jumps
20. Floor Roll Pike Touch Toe Abs
21. Surf Board Burpees
22. Low Squat Ball Punch – using the Tbar weights
23. Weighted Wide Squat - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
24. Drop It Like Its Hot - using the Ugi Ball
25. Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
26. Elevated Side Plank & Lift – Left - using the Sandbag or Tbar weights & Equalizer
27. Elevated Side Plank & Lift – Right - using the Sandbag or Tbar weights & Equalizer
28. 10 Mountain climbers & Pike Jump
29. Walk Outs & Push Up - using the Ugi Ball
30. Burpees
31. 1 Arm Pike Push Ups – L&R Alternate

10/50 for 12 rounds
1. Shoulder Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
2. Bicep Curl - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
3. Upright Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
4. Tricep Kick Back/Dips - using the Tbar weights
5. Hammer Curls - using the Tbar weights
6. Standing Flys - using the Tbar weights
7. Single Arm Shoulder Press - using the Tbar weights
8. Wide Bicep Curls - using the Sandbag or Tbar
9. In & Out Bicep Curls - using the Tbar weights
10. Round the World & Front Raise - using the Tbar weights
11. Switch Arm Back & Front - using the Tbar weights
12. Front Raise & Chest Press - using the Tbar weights

Day 10

10/30 for 14 rounds

1. Clean & Press & Squat & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
2. Sandbag Swings - using the Sandbag
3. Press-up + Burpee + Tuck Jump x2 & 10 x Hook Punches - using the Tbar weights
4. Sandbag Swings - using the Sandbag
5. Single Left Arm Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar weights
6. Side Jump & Side Push Up Knee Burpees
7. Single Right Arm Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar weights
8. Sandbag Swings - using the Sandbag
9. Press-up + Burpee + Tuck Jump x2 & 10 x Hook Punches - using the Tbar weights
10. Sandbag Swings - using the Sandbag
11. Equalizer Touch Abs - using Tbar weights & Equalizer
12. Sandbag Swings - using the Sandbag
13. Clean & Press & Squat & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
14. Mountain Climbers

combat burnout
change your timer to stopwatch

50 straight Punches - using the Tbar weights (100 Total)
50 Hooks - using the Tbar weights (100 Total)
50 Left Standing Knee Abs - using the Tbar weights
50 Right Standing Knee Abs - using the Tbar weights
100 Touch Ugi Ball Taps - using the Ugi Ball
30 Push Ups

Day 11

10/30 for 35 rounds

1. Weighted Plyo Jump, Squat & Bicep Curl Turn - using the Tbar weights or Sandbag or Ugi Ball
2. 1/2 Burpee & Monkey Push Up
3. 2 x In & Out Abs & 2 x Jump Out Leg Push Ups
4. 2 x Ski Abs & 1 Spider Push Up L&R
5. Mountain Switch Kick Toe Touch (L&R Alternate) - using the Tbar weights
6. Ninja Tuck Jumps or Burpee’s
7. Seated C Circle Ball Abs – using the Ugi Ball
8. Left Arm Plank & Front & Fly Lift - using the Tbar weights
9. Right Arm Plank & Front & Fly Lift - using the Tbar weights
10. Push Up & Plyo Box Jump
11. Elevated Cross Leg Push Ups - using the Equalizer
12. Walking Pike Abs
13. L&R Leg Alternating Triceps Dips – Feet Up - (Use a box)
14. Commando Roll & Mountain Push Ups.
15. Walking Staggered Push Ups
16. Seated Tuck Ab & Body Lift – using the Equalizer
17. 2 x Switch Lunge & 2 x Low squat Jumps
18. 8 Hooks High, 8 Hooks Low & 4 Rope Jumps (L&R Alternate)
19. One Leg DeadLift – Left Leg Balance - using the Tbar weights or Sandbag or Ugi Ball
20. One Leg DeadLift - Right Leg Balance - using the Tbar weights or Sandbag or Ugi Ball
21. Weighted Pike Abs - using the Tbar weights or Sandbag or Ugi Ball
22. Single Arm Chest Press Left - using the Tbar weights or Sandbag or Ugi Ball
23. Single Arm Chest Press Right - using the Tbar weights or Sandbag or Ugi Ball
24. 1 Leg Bent Over Row Left Arm - using the Tbar weights or Sandbag or Ugi Ball
25. 1 Leg Bent Over Row Right Arm - using the Tbar weights or Sandbag or Ugi Ball
26. Squat & Touch Opposite Toe (L&R Alternate)
27. Tuck Abs - using the Equalizer
28. Kneeling – Front & Side Raise - using the Tbar weights
29. Tuck Star Jumps
30. Cross Leg Reverse Curls – Left Leg
31. Cross Leg Reverse Curls – Right Leg
32. Pike Side to Side
33. DiveBombers
34. Touch Toes – Star Jump Legs
35. Oblique Bend Lifts - using the Tbar weights

10/50 for 12 rounds

1. Clean & Press – using the Sandbag
2. Push-Up, Side Plank & Reach through – using the Tbar weights
3. Side to Side Chest Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
4. Bent Over Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
5. Goblet Squats - using the Sandbag or Tbar
6. Left Leg Lunge – Forward & Back - using the Sandbag or Tbar
7. Right Leg Lunge - Forward & Back - using the Sandbag or Tbar
8. Over Head Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
9. Weighted Reverse Curls - using the Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
10. Bent Over Back Push - using the Tbar weights
11. Wide Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
12. Back Lifts

Day 12

10/30 for 33 rounds

1. Weighted Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
2. Wide Leg Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
3. Elevated 1 Leg Squats – Left Leg - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
4. Elevated 1 Leg Squats – Right Leg - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
5. Hip Distance Leg Squeezes – (pull in the abs, Lift the pelvis, and squeeze the butt)
6. Weighted Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
7. Wide Leg Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
8. Pulse Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
9. In & Out Squeezes – (hold pelvis up, abs in, squeeze the legs in & out) & 50 Feet Hip Distance Leg Squeezes
10. Squat & Leg Lifts - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
11. Leg Press – (bend knees to chest & push feet straight up to the ceiling) (optional use ofBand or Ankle Weights)
12. Lunges – Right Leg - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
13. Lunges – Left Leg - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
14. Low Squat Pulse Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
15. Step Ups - Left – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
16. Step Ups - Right – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
17. Donkey Kicks – Left Leg – (bring the knee to the chest, then to the back of the room) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
18. Donkey Kicks – Right Leg – (bring the knee to the chest, then to the back of the room) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
19. Wide Leg Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
20. ”L” Lift Pulse – Left Leg (make an L shape & with a flat foot pulse the foot to the ceiling, squeezing the ass) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
21. ”L” Lift Pulse – Right Leg (make an L shape & with a flat foot pulse the foot to the ceiling, squeezing the ass) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
22. Straight Leg Lifts – Left Leg – (keep foot flat, lift and lower the leg trying not to touch the floor, squeeze the Ass @ the top) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
23. Straight Leg Lifts – Left Leg – (keep foot flat, lift and lower the leg trying not to touch the floor, squeeze the Ass @ the top) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
24. Bent ”L” Leg Side Lifts -Left Leg (bend the leg in an L position, take the leg & knee (while in the L shape) out to the side & back in) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
25. Bent ”L” Leg Side Lifts – Right Leg – (bend the leg in an L position, take the leg & knee (while in the L shape) out to the side & back in) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
26. Over head Lunge & Kick - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
27. Switch Lunges – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
28. Surfboards
29. Squat Jumps
30. Prisoner Squat Jumps
31. Equalizer Inner Thighs – Left Leg - using the Equalizer
32. Equalizer Inner Thighs – Right Leg - using the Equalizer
33. Goblet Squats

Day 13 & 14
active rest days

Day 15


Section 1:
x 2 Times Through (Cardio = Burpees or Skipping)
1. 3 Point Plank Abs
2. 1/2 Burpee & Uplight Row - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
3. Over Ball Push-Ups – using the Ugi Ball
4. Squat Pike & Pike Tricep Push Up (or tricep of choice )

(One Round Rest)

Section 2:
x 2 Times Through (Cardio = Squat Jumps or Star Jumps)
1. Lunge Forward & Back – (R&L Alternate) – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
2. One Leg Elavated Push Up & Spider Knee – (R&L Alternate) - using the Equalizer & or Ugi Ball
3. Clean & Press + Squat & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
4. 10 Mountain Climbers & 10 Switch Kicks

(One Round Rest)

Section 3:
x 2 Times Through (Cardio = High Knees)
1. 1 Push Up, 1/2 Burpee & 1 Tuck Jump
2. Single Leg Elevated Push Up & Under The Equalizer Knee – (L&R Alternate) - using the Equalizer
3. Squat & Side Life – (L&R Alternate) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
4. Knee Tuck & V – using the the Equalizer

(One Round Rest)

Section 4:
x 2 Times Through (Cardio = Mountain Climbers or Mat Jumps)
1. Switch Lunges
2. Reverse Push Ups - using the the Equalizer
3. Sandbag Swings - using the Sandbag
4. Standing Squat Pike Jumps

Core bonus
50/10 for 15 rounds

1. Suitcase Crunches - using the Tbar weights the Sandbag or Ugi Ball
2. Plank Knee Reach – using the Tbar weights
3. Plank Knee Reach - using the Tbar weights
4. Tuck & Chuck – using or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
5. Russian Twists - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
6. Touch Toe Abs - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
7. V Abs Left
8. V Abs Right
9. Bike Abs
10. C Sit A Frame abs - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
11. Plank & Punch - or Tbar weights
12. Tuck & Lift - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
13. DiveBombers
14. 50 Straight Sit Ups – Burnout
15. Back Lifts

Day 16

10/30 for 65 rounds

Section 1.
Part One – Full Body Blast:
1. 1 x Push-Up, Spider Push-Up (L&R) & Oblique Twist (L&R) - using the Tbar weights
2. Chest Press with Reverse Curl Legs - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
3. 10 Mountain Climbers & 2 Tuck Jumps
4. Clean & Press & Push-Up - using the Sandbag or Tbar
5. Burpees
6. Get Ups - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
7. Hanging Knee Raisers - using the Equalizer
8. Super Girl Push Ups - (On the up, opposite leg & arm raise, L&R Alternate)
9. Mountain Climbers
10. One Arm Push Ups - (L&R Alternate)
11. V Abs - (make a V with your legs in front on the lift) - using the Equalizer
12. Seated Oblique Twists - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
13. Shoulder Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
14. Surfer Switch Jump & Push-up Burpee
15. Jack Knife Abs - (legs & arms go out & come in together to touch at the top) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
16. One Arm Clean & Press - (Left) - using the Sandbag or Tbar weights
17. One Arm Clean & Press - (Right) - using the Sandbag or Tbar weights
18. Overhead Abs - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
19. Weighted - 10 Mountain Climbers & 10 High Knees - using the Sandbag or UgiBall or Tbar weights
20. Lunge & Twist - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
21. Bike Abs
22. Tricep Dips - (Your Choice)
23. Sandbag Swing - using the Sandbag
24. Pull-Ups - using the Equalizer
25. Upright Row & Bent Over Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
26. Squat & Calve Raises - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
27. Elevated Push-Ups - using the Equalizer
28. Squat Jumps
29. 1 Jump Forward & 2 Jumps Back
30. Ninja Tuck Jump
31. Touch Toe Abs - (L&R Alternate) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
32. Diving Knee Tucks

(One Round Rest)

Section 2.
Part Two – Movement & Strength:
1. Push-Up, Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
2. Squat & Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar weights
3. Tuck Abs
4. 1 Arm Clean & Press, Squat & Press & push Up - (Alternate left & Right Arm) - using the Tbar weights
5. Lunge & Twist - (Alternate L&R) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
6. Dive Bombers
7. Left Woodchop - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
8. Right Woodchop - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
9. 10 High Weighted Knees & 10 Mountain Climbers - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
10. Push Up & Plank Row - using the Tbar weights
11. Chest Press & Reverse Curl Legs - (Legs go down when weight comes to chest) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
12. Lunge & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
13. 8′s (or ab exercise of choice) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
14. Standing Fly’s - using the Tbar weights

(One Round Rest)

Section 3.
Part Two – Weighted Burnout:
1. Straight Abs - (Knees Up)
2. Bicep Curl - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
3. Oblique V Abs Left
4. Tricep Dips
5. Tuck Abs
6. Chest Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
7. Oblique V Abs Right
8. Upright Row - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
9. Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
10. Push-Ups
11. Flys - using the Tbar weights
12. Lunge & Twist - (Alternate L&R) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
13. Pull Ups - using the Equalizer
14. Reverse Curls
15. Shoulder Press - using the Equalizer
16. Bent-over Row - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
17. Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

Day 17

stop watch

1.Bicep Curl - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
2. Tricep Dips - using the Equalizer
3. Around the world – using the Tbar weights
4. Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
5. Shoulder Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
6. Reverse Fly’s - using the Tbar weights
7. Chest Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
8. Abs - using the Equalizer & Tbar weights

The Cardio Finish:
10/50 for 8 rounds

1. 8 x rounds of cardio – (I will choose skipping) Pick your choice of cardio & go hard for 8 rounds of 50 /10.

Day 18

10/50 for 22 rounds

1. Burpee & Plyo Box Jump
2. Squat & Bicep Curl – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
3. Ladder Runs & Touch – using the Equalizer
4. Knee Tucks & Oblique L&R – using the Equalizer
5. Burpees & Push-Up’s & Tuck
6. Plank Under Toe Touch Abs – (L&R Alternate) - using the Equalizer
7. Switch Hands & Single Leg Push Ups (L&R Alternative)
8. Mat Jumps
9. 3 Point Tuck Abs
10. 1 Elevated leg Pike Push-Ups – Right Leg
11. 1 Elevated leg Pike Push-Ups – Left Leg
12. 10 x Mountain Climbers & 5 Push Ups & Stand – Repeat
13. Wall Squat & Shoulder Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
14. Oblique Side Push Ups – Left
15. Oblique Side Push Ups – Right
16. 10 High Knees & Drop Down
17. Oblique Twists - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
18. Chest Press & Reverse Curls - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
19. Small Pulse Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
20. Wall Walk & Push Up
21. Scissor Abs & Feed Through Legs – using the Tbar weights
22. Reverse Pull Ups – Feet Up - using the Equalizer

Bonus Core Blast:
1. 1 Min Elevated Plank
2. 1 Min Oblique Plank Twists – Right or Tbar weights
3. 1 Min Oblique Plank Twist – Left - or Tbar weights
4. 1 Min High Plank Low Plank 2 x Cross Knee Touch – (L&R Alternative)
5. 1 Min Reverse Plank

Day 19

40 minutes of running

Day 20 & 21
rest days

Day 22

10/40 for 35 rounds

Section 1:
x 2 Times Through (Cardio = Burpees or Skipping)
1. 3 Point Plank Abs
2. 1/2 Burpee & Uplight Row - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
3. Over Ball Push-Ups – using the Ugi Ball
4. Squat Pike & Pike Tricep Push Up (or tricep of choice )

(One Round Rest)

Section 2:
x 2 Times Through (Cardio = Squat Jumps or Star Jumps)
1. Lunge Forward & Back – (R&L Alternate) – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
2. One Leg Elavated Push Up & Spider Knee – (R&L Alternate) - using the Equalizer & or Ugi Ball
3. Clean & Press + Squat & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
4. 10 Mountain Climbers & 10 Switch Kicks

(One Round Rest)

Section 3:
x 2 Times Through (Cardio = High Knees)
1. 1 Push Up, 1/2 Burpee & 1 Tuck Jump
2. Single Leg Elevated Push Up & Under The Equalizer Knee – (L&R Alternate) - using the Equalizer
3. Squat & Side Life – (L&R Alternate) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
4. Knee Tuck & V – using the the Equalizer

(One Round Rest)
Section 4:
x 2 Times Through (Cardio = Mountain Climbers or Mat Jumps)
1. Switch Lunges
2. Reverse Push Ups - using the the Equalizer
3. Sandbag Swings - using the Sandbag
4. Standing Squat Pike Jumps

10/50 for 15 rounds

1. Suitcase Crunches - using the Tbar weights the Sandbag or Ugi Ball
2. Plank Knee Reach – using the Tbar weights
3. Plank Knee Reach - using the Tbar weights
4. Tuck & Chuck – using or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
5. Russian Twists - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
6. Touch Toe Abs - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
7. V Abs Left
8. V Abs Right
9. Bike Abs
10. C Sit A Frame abs - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
11. Plank & Punch - or Tbar weights
12. Tuck & Lift - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
13. DiveBombers
14. 50 Straight Sit Ups – Burnout
15. Back Lifts

Day 23


Round 1
(Burpees or Squat Jumps = Cardio)

1. 1/2 Burpee & Upright Row
2. Cross Incline Pushups
3. Lunge & 1 Arm Shoulder Press – Left
4. Lunge & 1 Arm Shoulder Press – Right

2 Min Skip - (Together)

Round 2
(Mountain Climbers or Star Jumps = Cardio)

1. Weighted Squat Punch & Side Punch
2. Tricep Bench 1 Leg Jumps – (R&L Alternative)
3. 1 Leg Push-Up, Downward Dog & Cross Knee To Elbow (L&R Alternative)
4. Toe Touch Abs & One Over Head Ab

2 Min Skip - (Together)
Round 3
(Clean & Press or Sandbag Swing = Cardio)

1. 1 Leg Push-Up , Turn & Switch Kick – (R&L Alternate)
2. 3 Point Towel Abs
3. Plyo Long Jump The Mat & Repeat
4. Dead Lift & Behind Cross Legs (L&R Alternative)

2 Min Skip - (Together)

Round 4
(Weighted Step Ups or High Knees = Cardio)

1. Elevated Spider & Cross Knee Touch
2. Side Oblique Jumps & Push Up (L&R Alternate)
3. 4 x Plank Row & Downward Dog & Cross Knee To Elbow (L&R Alternative)
4. 3 Point Tuck Abs – L&R

2 Min Skip - (Together)

Round 5
(Mat Jumps or Ball Toe Taps or High Knees = Cardio)

1. Wide Leg Mountain Climbers
2. Sandbag Swings
3. Clap Push Ups
4. Legs Out Bike Abs

Day 24

10/30 for 61 rounds

This is a Two Part Workout

Part One - Movement & Strength:
1. Push-Up, Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball
2. Squat & Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar
3. Tuck Abs
4. 1 Arm Clean & Press, Squat & Press & push Up - (Alternate L&R Arm) – using the Tbar weights
5. Lunge & Twist - (Alternate L&R) – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
6. Dive Bombers
7. Left Woodchop - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
8. Right Woodchop - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
9. 10 High Weighted Knees & 10 Mountain Climbers - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
10. Push Up & Plank Row - using the Tbar weights
11. Chest Press & Reverse Curl Legs - (Legs go down when weight comes to chest) – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
12. Lunge & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
13. 8′s - (or ab exercise of choice) – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
14. Standing Fly’s - using the Tbar weights

(30 second rest )

Part Two - Weighted Burnout:
1. Bicep Curl - using the Sandbag or Tbar
2. Straight Abs - (Knees Up)
3. Oblique V Abs Left
4. Tricep Dips
5. Tuck Abs
6. Chest Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar
7. Oblique V Abs Right
8. Upright Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
9. Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
10. Push-Ups
11. Flys - using the Tbar weights
12. Lunge & Twist - (Alternate L&R) – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
13. Pull Ups - using the Equalizer
14. 17. Reverse Curls
15. Shoulder Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar
16. Bent-over Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
17. Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
18. Reverse Curls

Day 25

10/50 for 19 rounds

1. Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
2. 1/2 Burpee & Push Up
3. Tuck Abs – using the Equalizer
4. Reptile on the Run - using the Ugi Ball
5. Squat & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
6. Bike Abs
7. Upright Row – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
8. Push-Up & Under Knee - using the Equalizer
9. Squat Jump Touch
10. 1 Frog Jump Forward & Back
11. Oblique Burpee
12. Mountain Climbers
13. 3 Point Seated Tuck Abs
14. Reverse Crunch
15. Reverse Elevated Pull Ups
16. Lunge & Press (L&R Alternative) - - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
17. Punch Abs - Tbar weights
18. 10 high Knees & Drop
19. Side 2 Side Oblique Abs - using the Equalizer

Day 26


1. Walking Push Ups
2. Sandbag Swing - using the Sandbag
3. Left Leg Squat & Behind Toe Touch & Reach – using the Tbar weights
4. Left Leg Squat & Behind Toe Touch & Reach – using the Tbar weights
5. Clean & Press & Squat & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
6. Elevated Spider Push Up - using the Equalizer
7. Push-Up, Burpee, Tuck Jump
8. 2 x Switch Lunges & 2 x Wide Squat
9. WoodChop Knee Abs Left – using the Tbar weights
10. WoodChop Knee Abs Right – using the Tbar weights
11. 10 Mountain Climbs & 2 Walking Push Ups
12. Left Arm, Left Leg – Lunge & Press - using the Tbar weights
13. Right Arm Right Leg – Lunge & Press - using the Tbar weights
14. Tricep Dip & V Knee Tuck – using the Equalizer
15. Low Plie Squats - Straight Punches - using the Tbar weights
16. Burpee & Tuck Jumps
17. Straight Legs & L&R Alternate Toe Touchs
18. Ski Abs - using the Ugi Ball
19. Mat Jumps
20. Side Oblique & Push Up – L&R Alternate
21. Plank – Jump In & Out Legs
22. Weighted Globe Twists
23. Pogo & Press - Left - using the Tbar weights
24. Pogo & Press – Right - using the Tbar weights
25. Reverse Plank
26. Plank – Up & Over – L&R Alternate – using the Equalizer

Strength & Conditioning Chest & Back Bonus:


1) Chest Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar
2) Bentover Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
3) Bentover Flys - using the Tbar weights
4) Deadlift & Bentover Row – L&R Alternate - using the Sandbag or Tbar
5) Reverse Push-Ups - using the Equalizer
6) Push-up Punches
7) Lay Ugi Flys - using the Tbar weights
8) Left Arm Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
9) Right Arm Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
10) Plank Ugi Forward & Flys – Left - using the Tbar weights & Ugi Ball
11) Plank Forward & Flys – Right - using the Tbar weights & the Ugi Ball

Day 27 & 28
Rest day

Day 29


1. Weighted Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
2. Wide Leg Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
3. Elevated 1 Leg Squats – Left Leg - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
4. Elevated 1 Leg Squats – Right Leg - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
5. Hip Distance Leg Squeezes – (pull in the abs, Lift the pelvis, and squeeze the butt)
6. Weighted Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
7. Wide Leg Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
8. Pulse Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
9. In & Out Squeezes – (hold pelvis up, abs in, squeeze the legs in & out) & 50 Feet Hip Distance eg Squeezes
10. Squat & Leg Lifts - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
11. Leg Press – (bend knees to chest & push feet straight up to the ceiling) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
12. Lunges – Right Leg - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
13. Lunges – Left Leg - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
14. Low Squat Pulse Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
15. Step Ups - Left – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
16. Step Ups - Right – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
17. Donkey Kicks – Left Leg – (bring the knee to the chest, then to the back of the room) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
18. Donkey Kicks – Right Leg – (bring the knee to the chest, then to the back of the room) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
19. Wide Leg Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
20. ”L” Lift Pulse – Left Leg (make an L shape & with a flat foot pulse the foot to the ceiling, squeezing the ass) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
21. ”L” Lift Pulse – Right Leg (make an L shape & with a flat foot pulse the foot to the ceiling, squeezing the ass) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
22. Straight Leg Lifts – Left Leg – (keep foot flat, lift and lower the leg trying not to touch the floor, squeeze the Ass @ the top) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
23. Straight Leg Lifts – Left Leg – (keep foot flat, lift and lower the leg trying not to touch the floor, squeeze the Ass @ the top) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
24. Bent ”L” Leg Side Lifts -Left Leg (bend the leg in an L position, take the leg & knee (while in the L shape) out to the side & back in) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
25. Bent ”L” Leg Side Lifts – Right Leg – (bend the leg in an L position, take the leg & knee (while in the L shape) out to the side & back in) (optional use of Band or Ankle Weights)
26. Over head Lunge & Kick - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
27. Switch Lunges – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
28. Surfboards
29. Squat Jumps
30. Prisoner Squat Jumps
31. Equalizer Inner Thighs – Left Leg - using the Equalizer
32. Equalizer Inner Thighs – Right Leg - using the Equalizer
33. Goblet Squats

Day 30


Cardio = 10 Mountain Climbers, 2 x Prisoner Push-Ups & One Burpee Tuck Jump

1. Side Jump Lunges
2. One Jump Forward & One Jump Back
3. High Knees & Drop Down
4. Clean & Press – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
5. Lunge & Twist - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
6. One Leg Elevated Push-Ups - using the Equalizer
7. Wide Leg Half Burpees
8. Left Side Elevated Oblique Dips - using the Equalizer
9. Left Side Elevated Oblique Dips - using the Equalizer
10. Squat & Leg Lifts - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
11. Squat & Press – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
12. Mountain Climbers - using the Equalizer
13. Upright Row – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
14. Bicep Curl & Shoulder Press- using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
15. Floor to Head Squat Twists – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
16. 10 Hight Knees & 10 Mountain Climbers
17. Oblique Twists – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
18. Sandbag Swing - using the Sandbag
19. Bent Over Row - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
20. Over head Lunge & Kick - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
21. Front Raise & Side Raise Alternate – using the Tbar weights
22. Tricep Dips - using the Equalizer
23. Plank & 3 Point Under Knees – (L&R Alternate)
24. Chest Press – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar
25. Wood Chop Left - using the Tbar weights
26. Wood Chop Right - using the Tbar weights
27. Straight Punches - using the Tbar weights
28. Upper Cuts - using the Tbar weights
29. Reverse Curls - using the Tbar weights

Weight & Ab Burnout Bonus:


1. Tuck Abs - using the Equalizer
2. Bicep Curl - using the Sandbag or Tbar or the Tbar weights
3. Oblique Abs - using the Equalizer
4. Triceps - using the Equalizer
5. V Abs - using the Equalizer
6. Chest Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar
7. Upright Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
8. Squats - using the Sandbag or Tbar
9. Reverse Push-Ups - using the Equalizer
10. Push-Ups
11. Flys - using the Tbar weights
12. Lunge (L&R Alternate) - using the Sandbag or Tbar
13. Reverse Push-Ups - using the Equalizer
14. Reverse Curls
15. Shoulder Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar
16. Wide Grip Chest Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar
17. Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar


  1. Thank you! The bodyrock website was down and your site was super helpful!


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