That damn food day

I stopped participating in potlucks at work because they are just filled with unhealthy food and you always eat way too much. I participated in today's though because it was for the leadhands and I was excited to bring something new. I promised myself that I would enjoy the food in moderation (yeah, right) but everything was just so good.

I brought 'fruit dip' which is a tub of whipped cream mixed with a package of strawberry Jell-o. I was going to buy the sugar free Jell-o but I figured no one else cares but me so I used the package that I already had in my cupboard. I didn't want to buy a crap load of fruit so I brought graham crackers to dip in the goodness :)

I had a light dinner since I've been such a little piggy today: I had 2 eggs and a romaine salad with dried cranberries, pine nuts, and raspberry vinaigrette.

Today's workout was Focus T25 lower focus but I wanted to do an extra workout to try to offset some of the junk I ate today so I also did Turbo Fire HIIT 25 and the TF Stretch 10 video too. My legs are probably going to be sore tomorrow but that's a good sign and great feeling!

I have to share that I did exercise some sort of will power when some one was coming around with a tin of chocolate bars and I declined :) You have to start some where.

I hope everyone is having a great week, only two more days until the weekend. :)

- Kelsey
