
So I went to Cuba January 3-10 with two girlfriends. Here's the white fluffy stuff I left behind - I took this picture a few hours before I got on the plane.

This was the view from our balcony. It is absolutely beautiful in Cuba and the weather was amazing. Sunny and hot every day, except for one day which was pretty windy but otherwise it was perfect.

You can walk around with alcohol there so I had to bring my cerveza to the marina where we had free wifi until they realized how many people were coming there just for the wifi haha.

I of course had to take a flex selfie. I didn't work out much there but I was having too much fun to care!

You have probably heard that the food isn't great in Cuba. That's not a lie but it bothered me that veggies seemed to be a rare occurrence. So when they did have veggies out I was loading up my plate. For the most part I tried to stick to 21 day fix portions but went over a bit and always had room for dessert. Life's too short to not enjoy the things you like ;)

Our second day there we went on an excursion for the day. They picked us up in the morning and brought us to the catamaran. Open bar all day, snorkeling, dolphin encounter, lobster lunch on an island, and dancing on the way back. It was a lovely day and well worth the money. This is Poncholo. He performed some tricks for us, let us pick him up in groups of 5, and then we got to have our picture taken with him kissing us on the cheek.

This was one of our last days there. The sunshine felt amazing and we spent quite a bit of time lounging on the beach or by the pools.

Cuba was definitely a different experience than Mexico and Jamaica but I think everyone should try it themselves before deciding whether or not they like it.
