My sick and lazy weekend

This picture and Netflix sums up my weekend. I woke up on Friday morning feeling congested and phlegmy and by Friday evening I felt even worse with body aches and chills. I slept for 8 hours Friday night, woke up on Saturday at 7:30AM, had breakfast, and literally laid on the couch ALL day and watched Vampire Diaries for over 12 hours. I can't say I'm proud of my laziness but when you're sick you need to listen to your body and mine was telling me to rest.

I thought about doing a light workout but my couch was too comfy and my body was hurting. I'm not sure what kind of flu this is but it knocked me on my ass. I'm feeling quite a bit better today but I still have the sweats and chills. I had a pretty bad headache this morning but a cup of Neocitran and some acetaminophen throughout the day has helped, along with a half hour nap and an hour of 'resting'. For those of you that know me you know that I am rarely able to actually sleep when I nap. My version of a nap is resting my eyes with the TV off.

Today was another super lazy day but I did make it out of the apartment for an early dinner with the family. I also picked up some wine on the way home with my aunt after dinner so I promptly changed back into comfy clothes and curled up with a glass of wine and turned on The Mindy Project on Netflix and my boys are curled up by feet in their usual place :)

I'm hoping I feel well enough to workout tomorrow because even though I was dragging my ass last week I am definitely missing working out and I am excited to start a new program this week.

Alright, back to Mindy Project and maybe another small glass of wine! I hope you all had a great weekend.

-- Kelsey
